The Ten Commandments of Working From Home

I worked from home for 2 years as a freelance writer. That’s usually not something I brag about and never will. But partner, I’ve been inundated with questions about remote work these past few weeks as more and more family and friends are being asked to telecommute where they can. Fielding questions and trading notes isn’t a cherished pastime, but admittedly it has been gratifying to help others get situated and to demystify what working from home really means.

I didn’t realize how much I had to say about it until my conversations became pseudo TED Talks. Now, I don’t consider myself an expert by any means, but I thought I’d pass along a few work-from-home mantras that helped me succeed. Also, this will make things much easier for me as I can now direct others to this page and people can finally (hopefully) leave me alone. I’ve got work to do too you know… Continue reading “The Ten Commandments of Working From Home”

‘Adrian vs. the World’ Is Expanding

ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m incredibly excited to announce that ‘Adrian vs. the World’ will undergo some major changes this month. Now, I’ve taken a lot of pride in being a movie blogger since this whole thing started. I’m happy to have found my niche, but I’m happier to say that I’m expanding this blog’s writing to topics like television, video games, music, even books— that is, if I ever finish the 3 novels I am currently reading because my attention span suuuuuuuccckks.

I’ve written on all of the above before, but a cursory glance at my last 10 posts will show that my content has been strictly film-based. I’d be lying if I said movies were my only obsession, or the only interest shared among my inner circle. Turns out I’m an even bigger dork than you could possibly imagine. Like, this isn’t even close to my final form!

Why the change? Well, I will be unemployed starting this Friday, but I’m sure that’s got nothing to do with this. 😬 (You don’t understand, I need to keep busy or I’ll turn into Ben Wyatt.)

Truth is, last year I experienced something I never thought was possible for me: movie fatigue. The American Psychiatric Association has yet to respond to my queries, but this was a rare condition where I was simply, utterly uninterested in media following the release of giant IPs like Avengers: Endgame, Joker, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and yes, even Game of Thrones. The coverage and ensuing discourse (myself included) was exhausting to the point that I had to take an unexpected break in movies, and this break allowed for other obsessions to take hold.

My interest in (other) TV shows, music, books, and video games were always there, mind you. But it wasn’t until my little movie sabbatical that I realized how passionate I was in other things, and how much more I had to say. I tinkered with writing game reviews last Fall, which I elected to shelve due to plans of starting a separate gaming blog. Why start another when I’ve got a perfectly functioning one right here? I’m also paying for this domain so…

It’s safe to say video game reviews (along with my first full book review) will be among the new content rolled out this month, and hopefully from here on out! Try not to think of this as a pivot. Though, if this site ever turns into a politics or sports hub then you’ll knowww I’ve sold out.

I’ll of course continue to write about films, that will never change. Movies just won’t be the main focus of ‘Adrian vs. the World’ anymore. I’ve entered a stage in my writing where I’m actively shopping around film essays (which would normally find a home here) as I seek to expand my byline. Any successful publications will be updated on the “Publications” tab above. Who knows, I might even dole out further writing advice for aspiring bloggers and freelancers out there.

My mantra in starting this blog was that as long as one person was reading, I would keep on writing and contributing to this space. Personally, I don’t know why you weirdos have followed me and are still clicking each week or perusing my archives. Nonetheless, I feel very lucky. I’m branching out as a freelancer, but I’ve decided to branch out as a blogger too and thus, I’ll still be here to entertain. Thank you and stay tuned! 🤙

Being a Freelancer Means…

I’ve been freelancing for the better part of 6 months now. It’s been a rocky road, filled with uncertainty. (Life!) My anxiety is through the roof; I’ve had numerous breakdowns that this year is promising to be the 2007 to my Britney Spears. Yet, I’ve accomplished more writing in the last 6 months than I have in the past 2 years. This is easily the most excited I’ve been about my career, one that has finally taken off by liberating myself from the 9 to 5 work grind. It has lent a totally new perspective as far as what being a freelancer means:

  1. $$$$$
  2. Jk more like 🤷‍♂️ (me waiting for funds to be released from Escrow)
  3. Having a sense of humor
  4. Working from home 😃
  5. Working from home 🤪
  6. Creating a dedicated workspace (setting up is easy, it’s staying dedicated that’s the hard part)
  7. Extended lunch breaks
  8. Drinking—woah it got dark there for a sec
  9. Parameters. Lots and lots of parameters.
  10. Dealing with unrealistic client expectations i.e. the first draft will be perfect 😒
  11. Giving up paycheck security for creative fulfillment
  12. No longer having a Friday
  13. Always working, even when you’re not
  14. Working twice as hard for less than minimum wage
  15. Applying for gigs every. single. day. (I often dream about submitting proposals)
  16. Not being taken seriously by your own family
  17. Enduring comments about this not being “a real job”
  18. Explaining telecommuting and gig economy about 5 times a day
  19. Falling apart, and putting yourself back together again
  20. Constantly fighting procrastination, laziness, and self-doubt
  21. Resisting the impulse to give in (thus giving your doubters the satisfaction)
  22. Discovering your conviction as a writer
  23. Having an existential crisis every week
  24. Forging a career path on your own
  25. Forging a career path on your own.

Writing About Film – Favorite Entertainment News Sites

How do you write about film?

This is a question I get asked the most frequently. I’ve never been one to open up about my process, but 100 posts in, it’s past time for me to pass some things along. Blogging has given me so much. I’d like to give back. This feels like a good place to start.

This might come as a shock, but I never set to writing about a movie or a topic straightaway. I read about it first. I think and I read. I obsess. I gauge other opinions and see what people have noticed, and more importantly, what they haven’t. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of entertainment news sites that inform and enlighten me on the movies I love. If you’re looking to start a film blog, maybe need some sources to refer back to, or just want to see where I steal my ideas from, you’re in luck. I’ve narrowed down five film websites that keep me obsessed daily. Film is an addiction and these sites make it worse in the best possible way.  Continue reading “Writing About Film – Favorite Entertainment News Sites”

25 Reflections at 25

  1. Fuck
  2. I’m 25 and I’ve literally accomplished nothing
  3. I’ve spent half of my life on social media and I’m learning to accept that (I’m delightful on Twitter, less so on Facebook, but I absolutely killed it on Myspace)
  4. I am in lesbians with movies
  5. I quote movies without warning. This is my curse.
  6. Sometimes that means cutting people out of your life who have no idea what you’re saying (you shouldn’t be friends with those motherfuckers to begin with)
  7. Sarcasm isn’t just a defense mechanism. It’s a way of life.
  8. To err is human. To err repeatedly means you probably had too much caffeine.
  9. Anxiety is the most effective alarm clock
  10. Student loans are a lot like drowning
  11. A Liberal Arts education was a brilliant idea! (sarcasm)
  12. Self-respect is a thing I need to work on
  13. Dating is also a thing I need to work on but let’s not get into that right now
  14. Sleep is bae
  15. Coffee is bae
  16. 25 seems like a reasonable cutoff for using the word ‘bae’
  17. Staying in on a Friday night is a thing of beauty
  18. True friendship is staying at the table long after the check is paid.
  19. Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.
  20. Things often don’t go the way as planned and that’s okay
  21. I will never accomplish all the things I set out to do and that’s okay too
  22. If someone tells you to give up on your dream, you have legal grounds to punch them in the face (Self-Respect Clause 22)
  23. You were lucky to have loved the women who came into your life. Remember that.
  24. You chose writing. Writing didn’t choose you, ergo it doesn’t owe you anything.
  25. Listing counts as writing so good job.

*If you came here for advice, I sincerely apologize

In all seriousness, I’d like to give my thanks to those who invested in me and took the time to read my blog (you could have watched another panda video and you didn’t and I appreciate your sacrifice). It’s because of you I decided to make a personal investment and purchase this domain. That’s right, Adrian Vs. The World is official now. Here’s to a new chapter of punctuated nonsense.